
Avoid cleaning glass in the direct sunlight and never use detergents that contain phosphates. There are three ways to maintain/clean glass. (1) use a solution of 1 part vinegar to 10 parts of clean water (2) use a solution of water and mild soap (1 drop of soap per liter of water) or (3) Clear Windex ® ‘Glass and Surface. If using steps 1 or 2, follow by rinsing the glass immediately with generous amounts of clean water. Be sure to remove all the cleaning solution. Use a clean, lint free, or squeegee to dry the surface.

Laminate: General Cleaning Care Instructions-

Cleaners should never contain acid, alkali, or sodium hypochlorite. To clean, use a clean, damp, and non-abrasive cloth with a mild detergent or household cleaner. Do not flood the laminate, especially near seams, since water can penetrate and cause the substrate to swell. Rinse and dry the surface with a clean, non-abrasive cloth.

- For specific cleaning instructions, please contact the laminate manufacturer.

Wood: Cleaning Care Instructions-

Avoid using vinegar, ammonia, and lemon solutions on wood surface. Water soluble cleaning solutions are best for routine cleaning of wood. Wipe clean with a non-abrasive, soft cloth and mild soap such as Murphy® Oil Soap. Rinse the soft cloth with clean water and immediately dry using a different soft cloth, make sure to completely remove any soap residue.

Painted Finishes: Cleaning Care Instructions-

Clean with a damp cloth or citrus cleaner. Never use Ammonia on any painted surface.


Code “W”

Code “W” is used on fabrics that should be cleaned with water based cleaning agents only. The best method is to spot clean using foam from only water based cleaners, or non-solvent cleaning products. And when you clean, it is best to apply foam with a soft brush (so as not to damage the fabric) in a circular motion, and vacuum when dry.

Code “S”

On fabrics bearing an “S” code, you should try to use a mild water-free cleaning solvent or dry cleaning product. If this is the case, make sure that your room is well ventilated and there are no open flames, such as from fireplaces, candles or cigarette lighters. If you have concerns about the safety of these cleaning chemicals, try to purchase fabric that doesn't use this method of cleaning.

Code “W-S”

Code “W-S” fabrics can be cleaned with either water or solvent based products. Use a mild solvent, an upholstery shampoo, or the foam from a mild detergent.

Code “X”

A fabric bearing code X should only be cleaned by vacuuming or gently brushing. NEVER use any cleaning agents at all. Any cleaning product whether water or solvent based may cause staining, shrinkage or distortion of the fabric surface pile.

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